Fireworks are an integral part of Fourth of July celebrations, but for many dogs, loud noises and bright lights can be extremely distressing. Dogs have heightened sensitivity to sound, and booming explosions/sudden flashes can trigger anxiety and fear responses from our furry friends. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies on Hungry Hound shelves that can alleviate this anxiety, from CBD treats to Licky Mats and Soothing Saucers!    

We recommend shopping as early as possible to test the products out on your pups before the big day, to see what works best for them! These products are an increasingly popular solution to firework anxiety among pet parents in place of prescription tranquilizers from veterinarian’s. CBD is so beneficial because it’s a completely natural compound that’s derived from the hemp plant. It has significant therapeutic properties, such as helping to regulate anxiety in both humans and animals. CBD impacts certain systems within the body that play a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes including both mood and stress responses. CBD treats have been shown to reduce anxiety and provide relief from stress, but they also have anti-inflammatory properties to combat physiological reactions caused by these stressors. CBD is also non-psychoactive and does not induce a “high” in dogs. This makes it safe for canines, and helps dogs cope with their stress and anxiety better rather than knocking them out for the night with tranquilizers. It can be a challenge picking the right CBD products for your pup, and a lot of it can come down to trial and error. Some things to consider are the concentration of the treats. It should correspond with your dog’s size and weight, and can guide how much your dog should take. Another thing to look at is the method of distribution!    

At Hungry Hound, our retail staff can help you figure out what’s best for your pup. Whether that’s putting CBD peanut butter on a Licky Mat, calming bone broth mixtures in the soothing saucer, or good old-fashioned CBD chews, there’s a natural remedy waiting for you at our St. John, Hobart, or Valpo locations!