Hey everyone! August is here, and did you know it's Family Fun Month? That means it's the perfect time to include our furry family members—our beloved dogs—in all the summer activities we love. Whether you're hitting the beach, taking a hike, or just lounging in the backyard, here are some tips to ensure your dog stays safe and has a blast during all the family fun! 

Safety Tips for Summer Activities with Dogs: 

Hydration Station: Just like us, dogs need plenty of water to stay cool and hydrated, especially in the summer heat. Bring along a portable water bowl and fresh water wherever you go. Check out our blog from July 8th to get some ideas for unique ways to keep your dog hydrated in the heat!  

Sun Protection: Dogs can get sunburned too, especially those with short coats or light-colored fur. If your dog will be in the sun for extended periods, consider applying pet-safe sunscreen to their ears, nose, and other exposed areas. 

Paw Patrol: Hot pavement and sand can burn your dog's paw pads. Try to walk your dog in the cooler parts of the day or stick to shaded areas. You can also invest in protective paw wax or dog booties for added paw pad protection. 

Cooling Off: Whether it's a kiddie pool in the backyard or a refreshing dip in a dog-friendly lake or beach, provide opportunities for your dog to cool off and swim if they enjoy it. Always supervise them around water to ensure their safety. 

Watch for Overheating: Dogs can overheat quickly, especially brachycephalic breeds (short-nosed dogs) like Bulldogs and Pugs. Watch for signs of heat exhaustion such as excessive panting, drooling, and lethargy. If your dog shows these signs, move them to a cooler area immediately and offer water. 

Keep Them Leashed: Even if your dog is well-behaved off-leash, always check local regulations and leash requirements. This ensures their safety and prevents them from getting lost or running into dangerous situations. 

Advocating for Your Dog in All Situations: Advocating for your dog means being their voice and ensuring their needs are met in any situation. Here are a few ways to advocate for your pup: 

Educate Others: Share information about dog safety and proper etiquette with friends, family, and strangers. Not everyone knows how to approach or interact with dogs respectfully. 

Set Boundaries: Don't be afraid to politely decline if someone wants to pet your dog but doesn't respect your dog's boundaries or if an environment isn't safe for your dog. 

Know Their Limits: Understand your dog's temperament, health, and comfort level in different situations. Advocate for breaks or removing them from stressful environments if needed. 

Be Prepared: Always have essentials like water, treats, poop bags, and a first aid kit handy when you're out and about with your dog. Being prepared ensures you can handle any situation that arises. 

Final Thoughts: As we celebrate Family Fun Month, let's remember that our dogs are an integral part of our families. By following these safety tips and advocating for our dogs, we can ensure they have a summer filled with joy, safety, and plenty of tail-wagging fun!