Hey friends!! As the seasons change and flowers start to bloom, it’s not just us humans who might start sneezing and sniffling. Our beloved furry pals can also experience seasonal allergies, and understanding what they’re going through can make a world of difference in helping them feel better. So, let’s dive into this topic and shed some light on seasonal allergies in dogs! 

First things first, just like us, dogs can be allergic to a variety of things in their environment. From pollen and grass to mold and even certain foods, these allergens can trigger a range of symptoms in our pups. Common signs of seasonal allergies in dogs include: 

Itchy Skin: Constant scratching, chewing, or licking certain areas of their body could indicate that your dog is experiencing some itchiness due to allergies. 

Red or Irritated Skin: Keep an eye out for redness, rashes, or inflamed areas on their skin, particularly around the paws, ears, belly, or face. 

Sneezing and Runny Eyes: Yep, dogs can have their own version of hay fever! If you notice your dog sneezing more than usual or having watery eyes, it might be due to seasonal allergies. 

Ear Infections: Dogs with allergies might be more prone to ear infections. Watch out for excessive head shaking or a bad odor coming from their ears. 

So, what can you do to help your furry friend through allergy season? 

Consult Outside Sources: If you suspect your dog has seasonal allergies, a trip to your nearest Hungry Hound can get you set up with an allergy test to hopefully figure out any allergens.  

Regular Grooming: Keeping your dog clean can help reduce the amount of allergens they bring indoors. Regular baths with a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo and brushing can help remove pollen and other irritants from their coat. 

Allergy-Friendly Diet: Sometimes, dietary changes can make a difference. You might be able to switch to a hypoallergenic or limited ingredient diet to alleviate allergic reactions. 

Medication and Treatments: Your vet might prescribe medications like antihistamines, steroids, or other allergy treatments to manage your dog’s symptoms. 

Allergy-Free Zones: Create a safe haven for your dog indoors by keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons and using air purifiers to minimize allergens in the air. 

Remember, every dog is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Patience and observation are key to finding the best solutions for your furry friend. 

So, as we welcome the changing seasons, let’s also be mindful of our dogs’ well-being. Understanding their seasonal allergies and taking steps to ease their discomfort can ensure they enjoy the sunshine and blooming flowers just as much as we do!