Hey there dog lovers and snack enthusiasts! As the flowers bloom and the sun shines brighter, it’s the perfect time to talk about one of my favorite topics: healthy spring snacks for our furry friends!   

Spring brings a burst of energy, and our pups are no exception. Whether they're chasing butterflies or just enjoying the fresh breeze, having some nutritious snacks on hand is a great way to keep them happy and healthy during this season.   

Here are some fantastic, pup-approved snacks that are not only delicious but also packed with the goodness they need:   

Frozen Fruit Delights: When the temperatures rise, nothing beats a refreshing snack! Frozen fruits like blueberries, strawberries, or watermelon chunks make fantastic treats for dogs. They’re like doggy popsicles – cool, tasty, and filled with vitamins!   

Veggie Crunchers: Yep, some dogs are veggie enthusiasts too! Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, or even broccoli florets can be fantastic crunchy snacks for your pooch. Not only are they low in calories, but they also help keep those teeth clean and healthy.   

Homemade Dog Biscuits: Get your bake on and whip up some homemade treats! There are tons of easy, dog-friendly recipes out there using ingredients like oats, peanut butter, and pumpkin. Plus, it’s a fun activity to do together!   

Yogurt Drops: Plain, unsweetened yogurt can be a great occasional snack for your pup. You can spoon it into silicone molds and freeze it for yogurt drops that are not only delicious but also a good source of calcium and probiotics. If you don’t want to make your own, stop into Hungry Hound and pick up some of our yogurt drops.    

Lean Meat Slices: Grilled chicken or turkey without seasoning or spices can make for a high-protein, low-fat snack for your furry buddy. Just remember to remove any bones before sharing!   

Peanut Butter Stuffed Kong: A classic favorite! Stuff a Kong toy with some peanut butter (make sure it’s xylitol-free as it can be toxic to dogs) and freeze it for a longer-lasting, entertaining snack.   

Cheese Chunks: Many dogs go gaga for cheese! Just be mindful of lactose intolerance; some dogs might not tolerate dairy well. But for those who can, a small cube of cheese can be a delightful treat.   

Remember, moderation is key when it comes to treats. Treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet, so make sure to account for these snacks in their overall food intake.   

Spring is a time of rejuvenation, and what better way to celebrate than by treating our furry pals to some healthy, tasty snacks? So, grab those ingredients, get creative in the kitchen, and let’s make this spring a deliciously delightful season for our dogs!